29 July 2010

Anticipated Arrival

I was filled with joy when I arrived home to a cheerful blue box in my mailbox.

I'm super excited to wear some this weekend :)

28 July 2010


I took yesterday off because I was super wiped after being called in to work all weekend. I made it a recoup day and spent it with Northern Belle. It ended up being a day of getting back to things I've missed - including her.
Here are the four main things I'm glad I had back in my life yesterday.

Pretty Make-up
Since ordering my Lime Crime make-up the other day (which I'm still eagerly checking my mailbox for), I realised how long it had been since I put any effort into doing my eyeshadow. Working full time means I wear no make-up during the week, and on the weekend I rarely did more than black, or a smokey eye at most. I missed my colourful lids! I missed my MAC and my Lime Crime.

Proper Sushi Dates

Since school ended, I haven't had proper sushi dates like I used to. Having our sewing studio on Spring Garden led to lots of quick sushi dashes when sewing became too stressful. Since then, I've been getting my fix by eating Sobeys sushi at work, but it's not even close to Hamatchi House, where we went yesterday and had wonderful sushi on real plates, instead of in plastic boxes.

The Beach!!!

I can't believe how long I went without going to the beach! It's just obscene. The walk yesterday was superb, even though I did leave my swim suit in the car (it was pretty windy). Being at the beach yesterday has got me super pumped for my coming camping trips, all of which revolve around beaches. Successful summer, here I come!

Last But Not Least:
Indulging My Inner Goth
As I said before, I can't seem to kill it. So yesterday when it nearly exploded with black joy at these shoes, I decided to appease it. And it brought me great happiness. Really, just look at them. Fantastic. I can't wait to wear them downtown this Saturday for my birthday =]

(Iron Fist - Wolfbeater Platform Heels)

21 July 2010

Too Tempting To Handle

Doe Deere over at LimeCrime make-up is loving the hell out of this Double Rainbow craze (search it on youtube if you've been living under a rock). She's put out this amazing deal to fit in with it, too. Click on over to her blog for mad hax that will get you fitted out with the most illegally bright contraband.
I couldn't resist giving in to it, and it gave me a good excuse to pick up some of her lipsticks that I've been dying to try. She has an orange one (My Beautiful Rocket - aren't her names fantastic? they all come with stories too!) that became part of my order because I'm dying to try an orange lipstick after seeing Elly from La Roux look so stunning in this mess of fun. I usually avoid really orangey things as a red head, but she looks too wicked to not take inspiration from.

19 July 2010

I'm One of Her Monsters

I Love Gaga

I finally saw the video for Alejandro today while I was vegging after work; it finished and all I could think was "Damn. Sexy."
The scene where she's being thrown around on the bed? Amazing. The flashbacks to it? Even better, how they're flashed through so quickly with just the intense bits. I loved the rocker look at the end, and I loved the red vinyl nun (okay, so my goth-y tendencies are hard to kill).
Machine gun bra? Questionable. Totally black outfit near end? Bit too Mom-ish. Nazi overtones? Not essential to the overall effect, I feel like something less a) overdone and b) historically evil could have done just as well.
Overall, though: Yesssss. Love her.

::ps:: Can't get over how good she is with changing the shape/contours of her face with make up.

14 July 2010


Choosing who you live with is something I never thought about when I was younger. I think the only times I gave it any consideration was when Dad would leave for days at a time and I'd need a babysitter to stay over at the house. It obviously becomes a much bigger issue when you get older. When my Dad married my step-mum, I had my first inkling that even if you like a person, it doesn't mean you'll like living with them.
I remember contemplating moving out after graduation. One of my best friends and I had decided we would get an apartment together; we basically lived at each other's houses anyway, what would the difference be? That fell through pretty fast, since we were both applying to universities and that took all our organizing abilities, so I applied to residence at Dal. The thought of living with a stranger terrified me, and the fear was prevalent at my closed-off-from-the-world, upper-class high school; all the other kids in my grade were clamoring to get single rooms at their universities of choice, scared of what low life they might get stuck with.
I got a single room, awesome, and lucked out by getting placed around a lot of amazing people. One of whom stopped me one day, as I was carting laundry around, and asked if I wanted to live with her. She was getting a house together with some friends, but they wanted to get a 5-bedroom and they were one person short. I remember just forcing myself to not think; I said yes right away.
That was me trying to force myself "out of my comfort zone," or "embrace the university atmosphere," which I'm pretty sure I thought were the same thing. Turns out it was an amazing choice. I ended up in a house with four friggin' wicked people (only two of the original plan, lessons learned there), made a girl cry (which is an extremely awkward scenario), and definitely cemented some long-lasting friends. Maybe I'll write about my first digs another time, because it definitely deserves more space.
Living in my first real apartment, with my first real roomies, I learned some important things. A lot of them involved what I could and couldn't handle in a living companion. In addition to first-hand experience, I heard horror stories from friends going through their first roomies as well. All in all, I lucked out hardcore first time around.
All that luck must have brought the fear back. A five-bedroom house is a house that probably won't last, not unless you're some devoted polygamists. The house split up, and I latched onto someone I already knew I could live with. Things happen, though, and shit changes.
These last two weeks, I found myself freaking out because I'd gone from excited to have the perfect roomie come back in September, to desperately trying to find anyone who would live with me. Dangerous times, but money hold too much of a sway to be picky when there are only two months til the guillotine falls. Once again, however, I lucked out, and the best friend from the beginning of the story needed a place to live.
So I'm not sure how things are going to work out, Kait and I are perfectly aware that some day in the near future there may be an attempted murder in here, but I'm thinking that eight months can't totally destroy a good friendship and who knows, maybe it'll be GOOD! Either way, the terrified feeling that I had when I thought I would end up with a stranger off Kajiji is gone now, and I couldn't be happier.

Okay, enough rambling. Work in the morning.
I'm sure if you're reading this, I love you;

12 July 2010

Hello Internet, I've Missed You

Sick, in bed, removed from proper civilization, and I'm curled around my laptop, of course. I could almost be 14 again, with a few small changes; I'm in my own apartment with my laptop, instead of huddled in an uncomfortable chair in the upstairs of my parents' house, bathing in the glow of my desktop. That, and I'm making a Big-Girl Blog, instead of a Little-Girl Livejournal.
So, what's ahead? Discussions of things that distract me, mostly likely. Postings on things I find pretty, I'm sure. As for the rest? Who knows! We'll see :)