29 March 2011

Backstage Fo' Eva.

I'm the Head Dresser for DalTheatre's last production of the season, The Country Wife, and with this past weekend being tech weekend, and it running all this week, I feel like I've been living backstage (and, more annoyingly, in my blacks!).

Sitting in the green room
I'm getting so annoyed with my hair, especially my bangs. I need to figure out more ways to keep them up and out of my face until I decide what to do with them. And the rest of my hair.

On the plus side, the theatre department gave us this!
I think they're bribing us with sugar because they started the play a half hour late tonight, which means laundry won't be done until after midnight.

27 March 2011

Bears Don't Belong in Zoos

I went to the midnight screening of Hobo With A Shotgun the other night after one of our tech run-throughs. It was everything it could and should have been. Pure delight, especially since the two men responsible for the film gave a little speech beforehand, and it was the perfect movie to see at a midnight showing (with the perfect audience - drunk punks screaming at the screen).

Straight outta Dartmouth
ps: how fucking awesome is it that Rutgar Hauer is in it?!!?!?!

23 March 2011

All the Editors are hard, All the Journalists are wet

All the boys are jerking off in private on the internet.

Protest The Hero's new album came out yesterday!!!
Fuck yeeaaaah. I got it off iTunes last night and listened to it on the way to/from class today. It's only got 10 tracks, but the awesome-level makes up for that. I'm pretty sure I'll have this album on repeat for the next few weeks.

My friend told me that Rody wrote the lyrics for this album (Arif usually does) so I was a little tentative about listening to it because one of my favorite things about Protest is their lyrics. The first song that came on my iPod was "Moonlight," and it was good, but not the same level of amazing that I was used to. I'm laughing at myself now, though, because Wiki tells me that's one of the two songs that Arif did write the lyrics to (you can definitely tell his other one, C'est la vie, it's reminiscent of the style of Fortress). The second song that came on was "Hair-Trigger." It so won me over. The opening lyrics may have helped with that... "That sweet little red head's got her hooks in my back."

The music's obviously fucking fantastic, it's Protest. There's one part in "Sex Tapes" (lyrics in title are from that track as well) that has the coolest vocals - when he sings "be careful what you're looking at because it may be looking back."

Wicked album. Go buy it. Support bad ass Canadian music.
Also, if anyone has any pull with the band, please beg them to add some East coast dates to their tour.

Album artwork by Arif's grandfather

22 March 2011

Summer Make-Up

I know I have no right to be thinking about Summer so early; it’ll still be another two months or so before it moseys on up to Halifax, but I just woke up from a nap and Cupcakes and Cashmere’s latest post on Spring make-up has me wanting to go on a make-up shopping spree.

The most appealing item on her list is the Buxom Waterproof Smokey Eye Stick. If you go to Sephora’s page for it, there’s a video review that proves just how waterproof it is. That’s AMAZING NEWS. For me, the summer is all about water: I’m either out at sea, or swimming, scuba diving, even getting in water gun fights isn’t uncommon. I generally avoid wearing make-up in the summer because it’s pointless to wear it to work, and then my time off involves almost as much water as work does. This product would be great for my days off when I’d like to ditch the natural look, but am not sure what the day will bring (I'd probably avoid it while diving... but it sure would be a good test!)

The most interesting product on her list is Givenchy’s Blush Gelee. It’s another sponge-tip blush, like Hourglass Aura Sheer Cheek Stain. The description of the product as “Jelly Blush,” along with its single colour that promotes layering and a natural look, reminds me a lot of Smashbox’s O-Glow (which I own the lip version of and LOVE). I’d like to see them side by side to compare texture. On the plus side, Givenchy's product is actually less than the Hourglass one (though not quite as cheap as Smashbox's).

Some other items that caught my eye around the Sephora website:
Hourglass Aura Sheer Lip Stain  - I love lipstains, what can I say? This looks gorgeous in the Plum colour
Tokidoki Sodashop Palette - Ever since I happened upon his boutique in NYC, I can’t get over the cute <3
Too Faced Eyeshadow Duo - And, of course, some more eye shadow. I’ve had one of these before and the quality was amazing! I’m kinda jonsing for a pair of more neutral colours lately, so Cocoa Puff & Honey Pot looks delectable

Hopefully this summer, especially during my trip to the Czech Republic when I won’t have to worry about work (!), I’ll have more time and more motivation to have fun with my make-up looks.

21 March 2011

Solo Frustration

I want to start posting Outfit Of the Days! Outfits of the day? Either way.
I need a roomie that gets dressed at the same time at me though. Or is home when I get ready. Or a camera tripod? Or even a better camera on my phone, if only that was upgradable.
And better lighting in my room, since I'm already complaining.

Boo, life. You suck with your minor inconveniences.

[[PS: I'm half-assedly documenting my making of this dress for school! If it goes well, I'll show you. If it goes badly in a funny way, I'll also show you.]]

18 March 2011

St Patrick's Day!

St Patty's is one of my favorite holidays, no contest. Dressing in green is always fun, and everyone's just so cheerful and friendly!

Yesterday, I had an appointment to get my headshot done for Dal's upcoming production (I'm the head dresser!) so I got a bit more dolled up than I normally would. I'm not usually one for foundation, powder, etc, but I went for it yesterday and I'm pretty pleased.
With my Dollar Store tiara
We went to one of the Irish pubs downtown, stayed there from about one until eight. It was such a fun day! As all the pictures prove :)

14 March 2011

Summer Projects

My new roomie this summer is also in Costume Studies at Dal, and we've made an agreement. We will actually do summer projects. I want to make myself things I like! I have a giant folder on my computer of images I've grabbed from everywhere for inspiration... so it's finally time to put them to good use.

I know I need to ease myself into it, get used to sewing in my room instead of the lovely studio, so I've picked two starter projects that I want to make before I leave for the Czech Republic in June.

Nice, big + flowy, but w/ fitted sleeves.
[forgotten where this is from]
Light + summer-y, also flowy.
That's pretty much the perfect skirt I envision with my new boots. Wear it with some sheer grey tights and slouchy cardigan or a leather bomber jacket, depending on the weather, and I'd be happy as a clam.

13 March 2011

Only Schoolwork I Want To Do

Our final project for our pattern drafting class is finally coming up! It's really the only thing left in this school year that I want to do.
We picked partners at the start of term and drafted basic patterns to fit them. Now, we get to pick out a dress or jacket to make for them. It has to have certain things (just so we don't all make something really easy) but we basically just get to pick a picture of something we like from a magazine, then make it!

I picked this, found it on Karmaloop
My partner really likes wrap dresses, so this was a good choice for her. I think it looks a bit like a dressing gown, though, so i'm going to change some things when I make it. I'm going to make the skirt all one piece, without that rise at center front, and I'm not going to make it out of a silky fabric. I'm leaving it up to my partner whether she wants the sash.

We went out on Friday to pick out fabric for our projects, and actually having the fabric is making me so excited to get started.

Fabric for the dress!
The solid pink is cotton, and going to make up most of the dress. The pretty (so so so pretty) sheer pink fabric with the little gems is going to be for the sleeves. I'll also probably use it to cover the waistband and the cuffs. There'll be am invisible zipper on the side, so the back will still look clean and uninterrupted.

Ooooo, I just can't wait to start this!

08 March 2011

Whoda Thunkit

So apparently this kind of stuff is becoming fashionable (or so hints my internet exploring):

I actually quite like that necklace, but the trend strikes me as a bit funny. I remember in the old run-down mall in Dartmouth (which has since been sacrificed to the wrecking ball) there was a shop that had all kinds of Native American stuff like this printed on t-shirts, sweaters, and I'm sure they had jewelry in there too. If it were around today, I can only imagine the joy that a DIY-er or hipster would find in encountering such great raw material
             - back then, it'd look like your mom dressed you in your uncle's crappy Christmas presents.
Come to think of it, I think I had a cow skull t-shirt when I was younger... gift from my uncle.

07 March 2011

Rainy Monday = Shopping Day

In the last week, I've ripped two pairs of my jeans, leaving me with just one decent pair to wear anywhere. So today when I realised one of my classes wasn't mandatory it meant MALL TRIP. I don't usually go unless I need something because I always end up buying more than I want to... today... I swear those boots seduced me!!
They look so great with the flap undone and the laces all loose up top. I can't wait for the weather to get a bit warmer so I can throw them on with some tights and a light summer skirt, or my other favorite purchase today: skinny cargo pants! Definitely a style I'm glad came back around, I used to have a pair in junior high that I practically lived in. And now with the style update of a skinny leg? So great.

Floral patterns are finally reaching the stores in Halifax, so I'm excited for more of the spring clothes to come out! Wheeee, shopping for my summer trip!

01 March 2011

Hooked on Tumblr

Holy crap. I love pretty pictures. And pictures that make my inner dork say "neato."
Tumblr abounds with them.

I can't wait for school to be over, then I'll have more time to go on picture taking adventures and can post my own photos instead of just reblogging.
