07 January 2011

Work Field Trip!

At my work, we train a lot of people who work in the oil and gas industry, mostly on rigs. My dad used to work on rigs as well, so not only do I have lots of information from work, but I've been hearing stories my whole life which involve them and the people on them. I've run into a lot of the people, but I hadn't been on one... until yesterday!! I got to go on a tour of the Rowan Gorilla III with some of my coworkers.
Me on the drill floor 

This is a picture of the derrick from the deck

Remnants of the deep ocean
The RG3 is a jack-up rig, which means it has legs that it sets on the ocean floor and the deck and derrick, etc, gets jacked up so that it is above the ocean surface. We went on our tour while the RG3 was docked on the shore of the harbour so the deck didn't have to be up too high on the legs. This meant that all the build up on the lower parts of the legs were visible since it was in so much shallower water than normal. They looked fuzzy... someone said "it's almost like they belong on Sesame Street." It was a bit reminiscent of Snuffleupagus.
It was really neat to finally see the work environment of so many people I meet/have known.

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