15 February 2011

Why I Love Limcrime

I read something that got me peeved the other day: Doe Deere ended up on Failblog for one of her outfits (she is eccentric, can't expect the internet to not pick fun) and even though most of the comments were from her legions of fans, defending her, there were a few haters. 

Now, haters gonna hate.
I know this.
Please just stick to hating irrationally, don't start talking about shit you don't understand. One of them was going on about how bad quality her eyeshadow is... total bullshit. I'm not sure how the retard tried to put it on, but if there's any semblance of normalcy in your applying of it, it's fucking a-one.

I wore it out the other night to a Retro Night, I decided to do a rainbow:

Then I proceeded to dance my ass off and sweat like a little piggy in amongst other drunk, dancing piggies. When I got home, I snuggled into my bed (which, when drunk, involves mostly a faceplant into my pillow) without taking off my make up.

I woke up to it looking like this. Pretty fucking decent! I sweat/rubbed off my mac eyeliner (which is a hard feat) and my Limecrime still looked that amazing?
Eat it, naysayers.

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